Create custom plugin with button in CKEditor

Recently I needed to customize the famous CKEditor for one of my projects. The requirement was to add custom text in the source code with the help of a new button added in the CKEditor. Then I searched the net and found some good tutorials. Here I am presenting a collaborative outcome of all the research in term of a simple plugin for adding current time to the source on click of a the button. Here is the working demo...

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Creating new Plugin 
  • In the ckeditor/plugins directory create a new directory with the name of your plugin. We are creating 'ckeditor/plugins/showtime'. 
  • In this directory add 'plugin.js' file which is the main file for our plugin.
Here is the code for our showtime plugin:
CKEDITOR.plugins.add('showtime',   //name of our plugin
    requires: ['dialog'], //requires a dialog window
    init:function(a) {
  var b="showtime";
  var c=a.addCommand(b,new CKEDITOR.dialogCommand(b));
  c.modes={wysiwyg:1,source:1}; //Enable our plugin in both modes

  //add new button to the editor
   label:'Show current time',
  CKEDITOR.dialog.add(b,this.path+"dialogs/ab.js") //path of our dialog file

Create the dialog box
For creating the dialog box, follow these steps:
Inside 'ckeditor/plugins/showtime' directory add new directory named 'dialogs'.
In this directory create a new javascript file with any name. We are naming it as 'ab.js'.


 var date=new Date();
 var months = new Array('Jan','Feb','Mar','Apr','May','Jun','Jul','Aug','Sep','Oct','Nov','Dec');

 var h=date.getHours();
 var nh=h;
 var m=date.getMinutes();
 var s=date.getSeconds();
 var a;
 if(h>12){a="PM"; nh=h-12;}
 if(h<=12){a="AM"; nh=h;}
 //Create different time formats
 var t1 = months[parseInt(date.getMonth())]+' '+date.getDate()+" @ " + nh +  ":" + m + " " + a;
 var t2 = date.getFullYear()+'-'+parseInt(date.getMonth()+1) +'-'+date.getDate()+' '+date.getHours()+':'+date.getMinutes()+':'+date.getSeconds();
 var t3 = date.getHours()+':'+date.getMinutes()+':'+date.getSeconds();

 return {
  title:'Show Time',
    dialog = this; 
  {  id:"info",

      id : 'format',
      type : 'select',
      label : 'Format',
      accessKey : 'T',
      items :
       [ t1 ],
       [ t2 ],
       [ t3 ]
      html:'<span style="">'+'Select the date format'+'</span>'
   label: 'Set',
   onClick: function(){
      addCode(); //function for adding time to the source
  }, CKEDITOR.dialog.cancelButton],

 //function for adding time to the source
 function addCode(){

  //get the value of 'format' field in the 'info' tab of the dialog box
  var t = dialog.getValueOf('info', 'format');
  if(t.length == 0){
   alert('Please select date format.')
   return false;

  var myEditor = CKEDITOR.instances.editor1;

  //insert the time into the HTML source code

  return false;



Adding the new button in our CKEditor
For adding the new plugin button in the CKEditor, we need to modify the 'config.js' in the root directory of CKEditor. Our 'config.js' looks like:

CKEDITOR.editorConfig = function( config )
 config.uiColor = '#AADC6E';

 //Add new button to the editor
 config.toolbar = 'Full';
 config.toolbar_Full =
  { name: 'basicstyles', items : [ 'Bold','Italic','Underline','Source'] },

  { name: 'bibliography', items : [ 'showtime' ] }

Calling our custom plugin in CKEditor:
To add our custom plugin in CKEditor, we need to declare this while adding the CKEditor in our HTML page. See the following code:

<form action="sample_posteddata.php" method="post">
  <textarea cols="80" id="editor1" name="editor1" rows="10">Create new plugin with custom button. </textarea>
  <script type="text/javascript">

   CKEDITOR.replace( 'editor1',
     fullPage : true,
     extraPlugins : 'showtime' //add our plugin to CKEditor



Thank you for writing that tutorial. All the others I have seen leave out a vital step or two so they don't work.

Your's works.

Thank you

This was the best tutorial on the subject I found, is to be congratulated.

i understood rest everything but where to write the code which u have mentioned at the end please tell with the file name like the way u explained for ab.js and config.js pls
and thanks a lot for nice tutorial

You need to read the article carefully. I have mentioned all the files and paths:

Creating new Plugin
In the ckeditor/plugins directory create a new directory with the name of your plugin. We are creating 'ckeditor/plugins/showtime'.
In this directory add 'plugin.js' file which is the main file for our plugin.

Good tutorial, Thanks

how can I modify the above code to make an ajax call, get content which is HTML and display in the dialog?

great tutorial.
best I've found. thank you!

hi, can you help me edit size or any when i click add or edit hyperlink???

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